CBD and Epilepsy (seizures)?
Let’s see what Molecules, a leading international peer review open journal had to say ...
Note: This information is for educational purposes only and we are simply sharing information pertaining to these studies. No medical advice or claims are being made on our behalf, but we all deserve the right to know what the medical community has to say about this wonderful plant! 🤗 Click the side bar to search any topic ⬅️
Cannabinoids and Neuropathy?!🐝My goal is to help educate and share information so people can help themselves. After...
We have to be careful giving “advice” (touchy subject lol), but we are allowed to share studies, which is why we do...
What they tell you about osteoarthritis (OA):🐝 -OA is a degenerative joint disease that plays an enormous role in d...
What they tell you about osteoporosis:🐝-It is a chronic metabolic bone disease that causes porous, sponge like bone...
🐝Let’s see what the experts have to say…🌲One of the popular uses of cannabinoids today is their ability to manage a...
CBD and Mental Health🐝Many people nowadays are more familiar with anxiety, depression, and mental health medication...
CBD and thyroid?
According to BioMed Research International, a peer reviewed medical journal, the endocannabinoi...
Two Important Properties of CBD.🐝According to Antioxidants, a peer reviewed medical journal, CBD has two properties...
I came across a study that discusses CBD and its impact on Autism and thought that I would share…🐝CBD and Autism🌲Le...