CBD and Thyroid Issues

CBD and Thyroid Issues

CBD and thyroid?


According to BioMed Research International, a peer reviewed medical journal, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a vital role in maintaining homeostasis (balance) within the body and can have control over immune response, mood regulation, pain perception, and even the central and peripheral nervous system (Lakiotaki, et al., 2015).


The study then went on to state that 10-20% of patients die from reoccurrence of tumor progression, making CBD an excellent candidate due to its anti-tumor properties (Lakiotaki, et al., 2015).


Another study went on to state that cannabinoid receptors played a role in controlling malignant (cancerous) and benign (non-cancerous) tumor growth, which is something that should be shared publicly, especially since so many people suffer from thyroid complications (CBD for thyroid health, 2021).


CBD and other cannabinoids were said to help address some common side effects that are associated with thyroid issues including inflammation, anxiety, dry skin, depression, and pain (CBD for thyroid health, 2021).


CBD interferes with the molecular pathways, which helps explain why CBD has such an impact over controlling tumor growth and progression (CBD for thyroid health, 2021). Again, this should be displayed on the front-page news since so many people suffer from thyroid complications.


The study concluded that CBD and other cannabinoids help control chronic inflammation (underlying symptom of thyroid complications), neuropathic pain, has anti-stress properties, which were also shown to help reduce depression (CBD for thyroid health, 2021).


I hate to get biased, but if we were truly concerned about health around the world, this information would be shared more publicly. Sadly, there is no money in health and I’m ok with that 😊


These wonderful plant compounds are stealing the show once again.


*This information is for educational purposes only and simply sharing if the information pertained to this particular study. No medical advice or claims are being made.




CBD for thyroid health - December 2021. CBD Clinicals. (2021, April 19). Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://cbdclinicals.com/cbd-thyroid-health/.


Lakiotaki, E., Giaginis, C., Tolia, M., Alexandrou, P., Delladetsima, I., Giannopoulou, I., Kyrgias, G., Patsouris, E., & Theocharis, S. (2015). Clinical Significance of Cannabinoid Receptors CB1 and CB2 Expression in Human Malignant and Benign Thyroid Lesions. BioMed research international, 2015, 839403. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/839403

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