CBD, Wound Healing, & Diaper Rash

CBD, Wound Healing, & Diaper Rash

CBD, Wound Healing, & Diaper Rash


When we think about the benefits of CBD, we probably don’t think about using it to promote wound healing, but there is so much to learn about the topical application of CBD. You may have heard me say this before, but if we have a wound the last thing we want to do is apply a petroleum based product to an open wound. This is because petroleum is a known carcinogen (known to cause cancer), containing chemicals that are on the proposition 65 list, which means you do not want to apply this on broken skin (1). Ever!


Some common products that we use everyday that have a petroleum base include: Neosporin, Aquaphor, Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, Desitin, A & D Ointment, just to name a few. 


This means that we should avoid applying these products to an open wound at all costs.


The same goes for diaper rash. If a baby has diaper rash, the last thing that you want to apply to their broken skin is a known carcinogen. I mean come one, how far gone are we?!? Remember, these harmful chemicals are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, especially if there is broken skin!


I share this because oftentimes we don’t understand what is really in the products we use everyday. Once we get a better understanding of the harmful things that are considered “normal”, we can opt for healthier alternatives. CBD is a great topic to discuss because we can use it for chapped skin, diaper rash, all the way down to topical application for minor wounds, check this out. 


Studies show that CBD has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerative and anti-thrombotic properties that can be beneficial for wound healing (2). This is like 6 birds, one stone! Is that even a thing? It is with CBD! After all, who doesn't want a wound that heals faster?!


The most interesting thing I found is that we can utilize CBD to increase cellular regeneration, increasing the rate at which wounds heal (2). In addition to speeding up and promoting wound healing, the antimicrobial properties can keep bad bacteria at bay, even MRSA (3). Talk about some powerful stuff!


The antioxidant properties that CBD has were also shown to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species, which is crucial when discussing wound healing (2). The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD were shown to reduce inflammation, as well as inhibit the release of inflammatory mediators that are involved in skin healing, which also speeds up healing time (2).


So, next time you have a minor boo boo or your baby is dealing with some diaper rash, consider avoiding something that has a petroleum base and utilize topical CBD. CBD has so much to offer when it comes to protecting the skin, promoting wound healing and skin regeneration, offering antimicrobial properties, all while offering pain relief (which is huge when discussing diaper rash). After all, I am sure that if a baby can talk, they would tell you that diaper rash does not feel too good!


Too bad this plant is not patentable, or you would see it in every product known to man because of its high medicinal value. BUT since this plant is not patentable, Big Ph@rma is not interested in sharing what it has to offer, regardless of how effective it is.


One amazing plant with seemingly endless benefits. Now that's what I call medicine!


Bee Well,

Brandon Farless

 *This information is for educational purposes only and simply sharing information pertaining to these studies. No medical advice or claims are being made. 



  1. https://www.p65warnings.ca.gov/fact-sheets/petroleum-products-environmental-exposure-refineries#:~:text=Petroleum%20products%20contain%20chemicals%20that,defects%20or%20other%20reproductive%20harm.


  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0254629923006804#:~:text=Non%2Dpsychoactive%20cannabidiol%2C%20derived%20from,absorbed%20into%20all%20skin%20types.


  1. Blaskovich, M. A. T., Kavanagh, A. M., Elliott, A. G., Zhang, B., Ramu, S., Amado, M., Lowe, G. J., Hinton, A. O., Pham, D. M. T., Zuegg, J., Beare, N., Quach, D., Sharp, M. D., Pogliano, J., Rogers, A. P., Lyras, D., Tan, L., West, N. P., Crawford, D. W., Peterson, M. L., … Thurn, M. (2021). The antimicrobial potential of cannabidiol. Communications biology4(1), 7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-020-01530-y

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