CBD Causes Neuroblastoma and Leukemia Cell Death

CBD Causes Neuroblastoma and Leukemia Cell Death

I read a post a family shared about their baby boy and his recent diagnosis of Neuroblastoma (NBL), which is cancer in the adrenal glands.
I decided to do a little research on CBD and its impact on Neuroblastoma. The results shook me.
According to Oncotarget, which is a peer reviewed oncology and cancer research, CBD causes cell death in Neuroblastoma cells through activation of the serotonin and vanilloid receptors (Alharris, Singh, Nagarkatti, Nagarkatti, 2019).
The study also concluded that CBD reduced Neuroblastoma cell migration and invasion in a test tube, something that we all fear when it comes to cancer and when we can prevent this spreading of cancer cells, it can be lifesaving (Alharris, Singh, Nagarkatti, Nagarkatti, 2019).
CBD was also shown to inhibit mitochondrial respiration, demonstrating that CBD was shown to suffocate the cells and cause cell death (Alharris, Singh, Nagarkatti, Nagarkatti, 2019).
The study also included that CBD was shown to cause cell death in Leukemic cells and reduce tumor size in mice (Alharris, Singh, Nagarkatti, Nagarkatti, 2019). This is huge! This is literally the answer we were looking for all along. Why isn’t this shared more publicly?
Lastly, the study concluded that CBD was shown to attack the Neuroblastoma cancer cell lines, which ultimately shows how CBD invades the cancer cells to cause cell death to the harmful cancer cells (Alharris, Singh, Nagarkatti, Nagarkatti, 2019).
Please help share and spread the word. It could save a life or two.

*This information is for educational purposes only and simply sharing of the information pertained to this particular study. No medical advice or claims are being made.


Alharris, E., Singh, N. P., Nagarkatti, P. S., & Nagarkatti, M. (2019). Role of miRNA in the regulation of cannabidiol-mediated apoptosis in neuroblastoma cells. Oncotarget, 10(1), 45–59. https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.26534

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