CBD and Free Radicals

CBD and Free Radicals

What exactly are free radicals?


We know that CBD is an amazing antioxidant, which means it neutralizes free radicals, but what damage can free radicals do?


For our body systems to function properly, there must be a balance between free radicals and antioxidants. When there are too many free radicals and not enough antioxidants to neutralize free radicals, oxidative stress will start to negatively impact cellular function.


An excess of free radicals can cause damage to our living cells and can cause the cells to not function properly, and even die. Oxidative stress is not something that we want!


When oxidative stress is taking place free radicals can damage our DNA structure, proteins, and lipids, which can snowball into
many other issues because it creates favorable conditions for different diseases, as well as cancer (Lobo, Patil, Phatak, Chandra, 2010).


Oxidative stress can also cause inflammation, increased cellular aging (aging faster), metabolic dysfunction (heart disease, high BP,
high cholesterol), and Neurological issues (Alzheimerā€™s, Parkinsonā€™s Disease) (Kumar, 2021).


Some symptoms from oxidative stress include: brain fog, decreased energy, muscle and joint pain, decline in vision, headaches, infections, and even unstable blood sugar levels (Kumar, 2021).


Ā The importance of a diet full of antioxidants canā€™t be stressed enough. Foods like fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants and they help neutralize these highly reactive and unstable reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are looking to cause mayhem to our healthy cells.


We can reduce oxidative stress by including enough antioxidants in our diet and utilizing the antioxidant properties that CBD has to offer.


We know that free radicals can cause a shift in our bodies ability to maintain homeostasis and cause an increase in inflammation,Ā both of which CBD can help address because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (Atalay, Jarocka-Karpowicz, Skrzydlewska, 2019).


Technically speaking, through the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can slow the rate you age by reducing inflammation and helping your body to maintain balance!


It's time we take our bodies back from a cellular point of view and reduce stress, as well as oxidative stress.


CBD for the win again.

Bee Happy,

Brandon Farless



Atalay, S., Jarocka-Karpowicz, I., & Skrzydlewska, E. (2019). Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol.Ā Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland),Ā 9(1), 21. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9010021

Karthik Kumar, M. B. B. S. (2021, November 8). What does oxidative stress mean? free radical damage. MedicineNet. Retrieved September 4, 2022, from https://www.medicinenet.com/what_does_oxidative_stress_mean/article.htm

Lobo, V., Patil, A., Phatak, A., & Chandra, N. (2010). Free radicals,
antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health.Ā 
Pharmacognosy reviews,Ā 4(8), 118ā€“126.

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