CBD and Alcohol Addiction

CBD and Alcohol Addiction

CBD and alcohol addiction?

According to the National Institute of Health, CBD reduces the desire to intake alcohol, reduces the motivation to want to drink alcohol, prevents relapse, reduces anxiety levels, and reduces the impulse to want alcohol (De Ternay, et al., 2019). Not only did CBD reduce the urge to drink, but it may offer more help than we ever thought. The study went on to state that CBD offers protection for liver and brain from damage caused by alcohol consumption, then goes on to state how exactly this happens (De Ternay, et al., 2019). CBD was shown to protect the liver by cleaning out damaged cells in the liver, reducing liver inflammation, reducing oxidative stress, and reducing lipid accumulation (De Ternay, et al., 2019). Lastly, the study stated that CBD is such a powerful antioxidant that it reduces brain damage caused from alcohol consumption and was shown to prevent the loss of neurons, indicating that it is a neuroprotectant (De Ternay, et al., 2019).

*This information is for educational purposes only and simply sharing of the information pertained to this particular study. No medical claims or advice is being given.


De Ternay, J., Naassila, M., Nourredine, M., Louvet, A., Bailly, F., Sescousse, G., Maurage, P., Cottencin, O., Carrieri, P. M., & Rolland, B. (2019, May 31). Therapeutic Prospects of Cannabidiol for Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol-Related Damages on the Liver and the Brain. Frontiers in pharmacology. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6554654/.

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