Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD?

Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD?
Can you build a tolerance to CBD?
In short, no… Here is why…🙌
The human body and the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is so smart, it’s crazy!
When someone consumes heavy amounts of THC daily, eventually they build up a tolerance to it. When you consume THC (regardless of what form) the THC molecule will attach to the CB1 receptors directly in the brain and after a while the body will reduce the number of available receptors that the THC molecule “attaches” to. This is kind of like the body’s way to reduce intoxication.
Studies show that the receptor cell doesn’t just disappear. The receptor will literally hide inside itself, kind of like when we close a baseball glove. When the glove is shut, it is not ready to catch a ball. When the receptor "closes" it’s basically saying, “I am not in service” and THC molecules can’t attach to it anymore.
Although CBD affects CB1 receptors like THC does, CBD doesn’t attach directly to the CB1 receptor itself. Since CBD doesn’t directly attach to the CB1 receptor, but rather indirectly, the body won’t ever down regulate the number of available receptors, so you never build a tolerance.
So even if you are using CBD 1-2x daily, you will never build a tolerance. This is super strange because the human body builds tolerances to almost anything like THC, coffee, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, etc. The body does this to protect itself. Your body is always working to create homeostasis or a neutral state.
Not only can you not build a tolerance to CBD, but CBD also helps the body and cells achieve homeostasis, which is necessary to normal cell function and survival.
CBD for the win again!
Bee Happy,

Brandon Farless


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