Anti-inflammatory properties and muscle recovery post workout

Anti-inflammatory properties and muscle recovery post workout

Just how powerful are the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD?


I know we briefly hit on the positive impact CBD can have on athletes and muscle recovery, but let's dive a little deeperā€¦


We can use a positive form of inflammation that happens within the body as an example to display some amazing properties that CBD has to offer. Let me explainā€¦


Being active and moving is an absolute must when it comes to physical health, but working out tears muscle fibers and causes inflammation, which is a positive thing! Even though inflammation is a normal response to working out and tearing muscle fibers, we can speed up the recovery of the muscle fibers and reduce inflammation, which in turn helps the body recover much quicker.


This can be particularly important if you are an athlete and days of soreness can affect overall performance for another event that may follow the next day or two.


CBD has been shown to reduce the muscle recovery period by reducing inflammation that is followed by a workout (McCartney, et al., 2020). The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are the center focus here. These anti-inflammatory properties that cannabinoids like CBD hold opens up many doors for athletes and can improve physical performance by speeding up the recovery period and healing process in the musculoskeletal system (McCartney, et al., 2020). Although these anti-inflammatory properties work systemically for inflammation in general, we are using an example of inflammation that is a positive thing. Inflammation does not always have to be bad!


Not only does CBD reduce inflammation following a workout, but it also has analgesic properties that can also help control pain that sets in after inflammation, which is referred to as being sore (McCartney, et al., 2020).


The beautiful thing about these plant compounds is the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that have uses that can benefit us from head to toe and their application is almost endless! That is the same with many herbs, they have many uses that can benefit us in many different ways and address different things simultaneously. Pharmaceuticals generally have one mechanism of action while herbs are multifaceted.


You can research almost any dis-eased state and understand that the root cause is inflammation. If it stems from inflammation, CBD can help! Talk about some amazing plant compounds!



*This information is for educational purposes only. No medical advice or claims are being made.




McCartney, D., Benson, M. J., Desbrow, B., Irwin, C., Suraev, A., & McGregor, I. S. (2020). Cannabidiol and Sports Performance: a Narrative Review of Relevant Evidence and Recommendations for Future Research. Sports medicine - open, 6(1), 27.

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