A Peek into Alternative Medicine…

A Peek into Alternative Medicine…
If you listened to my story yesterday, you know how passionate I am about a holistic approach to health and using alternatives that are health promoting vs relying on pharmaceuticals. My passion is Alternative Medicine, while my hobby is cannabis. The best part is they go hand in hand, and I am trying to share how cannabis has a place in healthcare and show you that it’s not the bad guy they told you about. In fact, it has all the medical benefits that you’ve prayed for as long as humanity has existed.
Here’s the thing, many people are suffering from an array of chronic conditions, dis-eased states, and cancer and the only place they are pointed is towards pharmaceuticals because they are the big bully in town. The more educated we become, the more we understand that if we really want to seek proper healthcare, maybe taking a pill daily may be tricking us into thinking we are getting better although the root cause or reason is never discussed or addressed.
The truth is, this is what Allopathic or Conventional Medicine is. It is a healthcare system that revolves around writing prescriptions to address a symptom, but hardly ever addresses the root cause. Simply because if you are fixed you don’t need another script. It is a money driven healthcare, not a health driven healthcare system.
My point I am getting at is a broken healthcare system. We have people out there suffering from seizures, psychotic symptoms, anxiety, depression, suicide, inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative conditions, multiple sclerosis (MS), and chronic pain, all while they are publishing these medical journals around the world that discusses cannabis’s (CBD) effectiveness to treat those very conditions (Corroon, Phillips, 2018).
That’s right, and you read that correctly, there are studies and published medical journals around the world that have demonstrated that CBD is an effective for those that suffer from seizures, psychotic symptoms, anxiety, depression, suicide, inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative conditions, multiple sclerosis (MS), and chronic pain, yet those that suffer from these very conditions don’t even know what CBD is.
If it’s broken, we fix it. Our healthcare needs reform and it isn’t going to change by itself. We need new doctors that will step up to this bully we have in town and stand up to the system, for ourselves, for our families, for our patients, and for generations to come. We owe it to the sick and suffering to make changes and educate each other so we can help improve our wellness journey, not hinder it. I promise to make that my life mission and to shed as much light on the darkness that I can.
“Those of us that are crazy enough to think that we can change the world, we are the only ones that stand a chance of actually doing it” -Dr. Daniel Woznicza
ps. The strain pictured is Purple Cowboy 8 weeks after transplant (at the time of the photo)
Bee Happy,

Brandon Farless



Corroon, J., Phillips, J., A cross-sectional study of cannabidiol users | cannabis and cannabinoid ... (2018). Retrieved July 14, 2022, from https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/can.2018.0006

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